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A Cookie Tray and GBS. How OT-ish!

    OT school never fails to surprise me with how much knowledge I have gained so far and how I am able to apply it in real-life scenarios. In my Neuro Aspects class, we were each assigned a client with one of the conditions we learned about in class, and each one of us was given three specific household materials to work with, however, we had to use at least one of the materials given innovatively.  My materials: Plastic straw(s), a pair of dice, and a cookie tray.      When I first read these materials at the beginning of class back in July, I was truly stumped. In what way could I use these regular everyday items and make them into an intervention for a client? My assigned condition is GBS, also known as Guillan- Barré Syndrome, which is a rare, autoimmune, yet temporary condition, that attacks the immune system and causes myelin sheath degeneration that starts affecting the Peripheral Nervous System. The cause of GBS is unknown but usually follows after the flu or respiratory infe

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